Review: Best Places to Visit in Vietnam

Vietnam is an astonishing mix of natural highlights and cultural diversity.

The scenery ranges from jagged peaks seen from winding mountain passes down to verdant paddy fields painted every shade of green in the palette, while Vietnam's long history and multicultural population (with over 50 ethnic minority groups) make a trip here rich in heritage.

Outdoor lovers can get their teeth into the countryside within the numerous national parks, where hiking, biking, and kayaking are popular things to do, but Vietnam's most famous natural tourist attraction, the spectacular karst seascape of Halong Bay, is one natural sight that even the more slothful can experience up close on a cruise.

While the rural areas brim with lush panoramas, the big cities buzz with contemporary life and provide ample opportunities to get stuck into Vietnam's tasty culinary highlights.

This fascinating country is full of surprises and is one of Southeast Asia's most underrated destinations. Plan your sightseeing with our list of the best places to visit in Vietnam.

Note: Some businesses may be temporarily closed due to recent global health and safety issues.

1. Halong Bay

The karst seascape of Halong Bay is one of the best places to visit in the world for spellbinding sea views and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Monthly Squat Challenge that Will Help You Get the Buttocks of Your Dreams

When working out, most people focus on areas that are easy to tone. The arms and chest are the first thing they start working on as results are easily visible. Many of the hopelessly end their workout adventures when results can’t be seen. Working out is important, but so is a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Most people don’t pay attention to areas of their body that they can tone in a month, believing it’s not possible. Have you ever heard of squats? While doing them doesn’t provide results right away, stick with squats for a month and you’ll get the butt of your dreams.

What Are Squats?

7 Lý do bạn nên ăn hạt điều mỗi ngày

Hạt điều được sử dụng như là một món ăn nhẹ cho bữa phụ hoặc được sử dụng trong nhiều công thức nấu ăn giống như các loại hạt khác. Thịt quả điều có thể được chế biến thành sinh tố hoặc chưng cất thành rượu.

Cây điều có nguồn gốc từ vùng Đông Bắc Brazil, được trồng rộng rãi ở các vùng nhiệt đới. Ấn Độ và Nigeria là nước sản xuất các sản phẩm điều rất lớn và uy tín. Ngoài ra, cây điều còn được trồng ở Việt Nam, Bờ Biển Ngà, Pakistan và Indonesia. Tuy nhiên, khi nói đến cây điều, người ta chủ yếu nói đến hạt của loại cây này bởi hạt điều có khả năng ngừa ung thư, nuôi dưỡng tóc và da, chăm sóc cho sức khỏe của xương, giảm cân, ngăn chặn sỏi mật và nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe khác.
1. Ngăn ngừa ung thư
Hạt điều chứa proanthocyanidins - được chứng minh là loại flavanol có thể ngăn chặn các tế bào ung thư tái sản xuất và tiêu diệt tế bào ung thư. Trong thực tế, các nghiên cứu cho thấy hàm lượng đồng cao trong hạt điều cũng giúp tránh khỏi các gốc tự do cũng như cung cấp nguồn phytochemical và chất chống oxy hóa có lợi cho cơ thể.
2. Nuôi dưỡng tóc và da
Hạt điều rất giàu hàm lượng đồng - một thành phần cấu thành quan trọng của tyrosinase. Loại enzym này giúp chuyển đổi tyrosin thành melanin - tạo ra các sắc tố màu trong tóc và da.
3. Duy trì sức khỏe tim mạch
Hạt điều có chứa lượng axit oleic phong phú. Loại chất béo không bão hòa đơn này giúp cải thiện sức khỏe tim mạch và làm giảm nồng độ triglycerid. Ngoài ra, magiê trong hạt điều có thể giúp giảm huyết áp và ngăn ngừa các cơn đau tim. Bệnh mạch vành và nguy cơ tim mạch có thể được giảm bằng cách thường xuyên ăn hạt điều do không chứa cholesterol và chất chống oxy hóa.
4. Tốt cho sức khỏe của xương
Hạt điều cũng chứa magiê - một khoáng chất bổ sung và kết hợp với canxi để tái tạo thành phần của xương. Ngoài ra, đồng trong hạt điều cung cấp sự linh hoạt cho xương và khớp.
5. Tốt cho thần kinh
Không chỉ tốt cho xương, hàm lượng magiê trong hạt điều cũng cung cấp lợi ích cho hệ thần kinh và cơ bắp. Magiê giữ cho các mạch máu và cơ bắp được thả lỏng và nghỉ ngơi bằng cách làm chậm dòng chảy của canxi vào các tế bào thần kinh.
Nghiên cứu này chứng minh rằng magiê giúp giảm tần suất các cuộc tấn công đau nửa đầu, hạ huyết áp và giúp ngăn ngừa các cơn đau tim. Ngược lại, thiếu magiê trong cơ thể có thể gây ra cao huyết áp, căng cơ và mệt mỏi.
6. Cải thiện chức năng não
Hạt điều có thể giúp tăng oxy lên não. Hạt điều đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc cải thiện trí nhớ. Điều này là do các chất béo không bão hòa đa, chất béo không bão hòa đơn - 2 loại chất béo có tác động đến quá trình sản sinh tế bào não. Điều tuyệt vời là hạt điều có hàm lượng cao cả 2 loại chất béo này.
7. Giảm cân
Những người ăn hạt điều 2 lần/tuần có xu hướng tránh được béo phì. Khoảng 75% chất béo chứa trong hạt điều là chất béo không bão hòa - một chất béo tốt cho cơ thể.
Ngoài ra, hạt điều có chứa một lượng lớn chất xơ. Chất béo tốt trong hạt điều có thể giúp bạn giảm cân mà vẫn cung cấp nhiều năng lượng cho cơ thể. Hạt điều cũng giúp tạo thuận lợi cho sự trao đổi chất của cơ thể.

Ginger Water – a Natural Drink for Your Weight Loss

We’ve all heard about the health benefits of ginger. It can improve digestion, give our immune system a boost, and helps us lose weight. However, you can’t just eat ginger like that and expect those health improvements. You need a good recipe that will get the most out of ginger, and this ginger water is precisely what you need.

Easy to prepare, powerful enough to blast fat off your waist, and it also boosts your heart health and immune system. What more could you want? This simple drink can especially burn excess fat on the waist, thighs, and back, leaving you with a sculpted body. Of course, only if you work out regularly and eat a healthy diet – without that, you’re throwing all of its benefits away.

How Ginger Boosts Our Health

Ginger is loaded with nutrients that can improve our health on so many levels. It is loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids, and other compounds that can prevent damage to our body’s DNA. It is great for people suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems, digestive problems, and diseases of the lung. Ginger is one of the top natural ingredients for your immune system, and also promotes healthy aging of the skin.

To be honest, the list of health benefits is endless. We’d need a few articles to explain them all in depth. For now, you should know that ginger can do it all for your health, including fat burning. That’s one of the main reasons why we all use it, and there’s a perfect recipe that can help.

Ginger Water

The ginger water recipe we have for you today is a Godsend for anyone dealing with excess weight. If you have excess fat you want to get rid of on your thighs, waist, and back, this one’s for you. Ginger’s fat-burning properties are on display in this ginger water. Aside from helping you lose weight, it will also improve your health in other ways, so there’s really no reason to avoid it.

Did we mention it’s easy to prepare? Here’s how:


  • 1 medium-sized piece of ginger root
  • 5 l. of water
  • Lemon juice (half a squeezed lemon)


Boil the water first. Cut the ginger in thin slices in the meantime. Add them when the water starts boiling, turn the temperature down, and simmer for 15 minutes. Let the drink cool down before straining it.

Drink a glass of this powerful fat booster every morning before breakfast. You can have another before dinner for even better effects.

Nutritional Profile of Ginger

Per 100 gr.

  • 79 calories
  • 6 gr. protein
  • 6 gr. fiber
  • 8 gr. carbs
  • 15 gr. iron
  • 33 mg. potassium
  • 14 mg. sodium
  • 7 mg. vitamin C

And that’s not everything. Ginger also contains zinc, folate, niacin, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin B6. If you’re suffering from cardiovascular problems, joint pain, or you simply want to lose fat, drink this ginger water and watch your health get better.

How to Get Rid of the Six Types of Body Fat

 While the world is currently fighting an entirely different type of epidemic, we’ve been battling others for decades. One of them is obesity. While it’s not an infection, the unhealthy lifestyle the majority of people lead is resulting in everyone getting heavier and heavier. The prevalence in the USA was over 42% in 2018, which is concerning.

And it’s not just the USA. Our hectic schedules and busy lives leave us no time for exercise and proper, homemade meals. We eat too much junk food and while it seems irrelevant, it’s destroying our bodies from the inside. Obesity has been cited as the leading global cause of cardiovascular problems and kills more people every year than other serious diseases.

Staying fit is key to staying healthy. Even obese individuals can lost their extra weight if they put in the effort. However, you first must determine the type of fat on your body before you start destroying it.

Prevalence of Obesity

In 2018, the prevalence of obesity in the USA was over 42%. With the coronavirus pandemic rampaging for almost 2 years, things are even worse. We already had a sedentary lifestyle before it, but now, we do almost nothing every day. Well, the most of us, at least.

According to stats released by the CDC, over 40% of adults between 20 and 39 suffer from obesity. In those aged between 40 and 60, the percentage is almost 45%. That’s concerning as these are the people who are supposed to be active. It shows that the diet most of us consume is nowhere near healthy. And it’s better not to talk about regular exercise. These days, the only activity most people get is going to the store. Sometimes just one time per week.

All of that needs to change if the numbers are to be dropped. The good news is that a recent study on obesity indicated that there are 6 different types of fats. Why is this important? Because by targeting the fat group, you can shed excess weight from your body more efficiently.

The Six Types of Body Fat Distribution

Before we delve deeper into the six fat categories that contribute to obesity, let’s say a few things about distribution patterns. There are two of these – android and gynoid.

Android fat distribution is more common in males than females. It’s the so-called ‘apple’ body type where the waist circumference is greater than the circumference on the hips.

A gynoid distribution is more common in females. It’s the ‘pear’ body type where the hips’ circumference is greater than the waist circumference.

Knowing this, we can now talk about the different body fat types.


Most males around the age of 30 or so have fat accumulated in the stomach area. It doesn’t necessarily include fat on the back, hands, lower or upper body. This type of fat is usually caused by anxiety, depression, and stress. In order to burn it, you should eat healthy, exercise regularly, and try calming techniques such as yoga.

Upper Body

If your fat distribution is mostly located in the upper body, it is caused by physical inactivity. The solution is simple – try to walk more or sign up at the gym. You need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Swollen Stomach

Breathing difficulties and heavy alcohol consumption result in fat distribution that looks like a swollen stomach. In this case, limit your alcohol intake or stop drinking, eat healthy, and start exercising. If you don’t you could be in for cardiovascular problems as you age.

Protruding Stomach and Back Fat

If you have fat on your back and a protruding stomach, it’s because you’re not very active. Exercising for 30 minutes per day should resolve it.

Lower Body Obesity

Lower body obesity is a gynoid problem. It can be resolved with cardio exercises every day and exercises that target the lower body.

Lower Body Obesity and Fat on the Legs

Another mainly gynoid problem, this one is solved with water aerobics. Also, if you can, make sure to spend an hour or two sitting with your feet raised during the day. It should help ease the pressure on your feet and joints.

She Discovered The "Odd" Metabolism Trigger

My friend Tonya has been struggling for many years to find the root of her slow metabolism and stop storing a huge amount of body fat. After she started this Indonesian morning ritual, she finally triggered her metabolism fat-melting hormone and shed 68lb of stubborn body fat.

10 Tasty Breakfast Ideas For Your Weight Loss

Many doctors and studies have confirmed that breakfast truly is the best way to start the day. Eating a hearty breakfast can regulate your blood sugar levels and prevent cravings later. It also helps us regulate body weight if paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Of course, this doesn’t go for just any type of breakfast. You need to eat healthy meals to start your day if you want to keep your weight in check.

How Does a Healthy Breakfast Look Like?

Forget everything about bacon and eggs or sausages for breakfast. Sure, they can give you protein and boost your energy levels in the morning, but a healthy breakfast meal is something completely different. Oatmeal is the best type of food you can eat for breakfast, especially when boosted with the right fruits. However, a good and hearty breakfast meal should have fiber, protein, and the right combination of vitamins and minerals that will help you start the day like a champ.

A good breakfast meal will raise your energy levels, boost your protein, and give your body enough fiber to get your digestion working. Pair it with healthy meals for lunch and dinner and you shouldn’t have trouble keeping your figure in check. Regular exercise will help you lose weight further and optimize it to your age and height.

If you’re wondering what to eat for breakfast, we’ve got the ideas for you below.

10 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Low-Carb Hotcakes

Who wouldn’t want hotcakes for breakfast? Well, these are low in carbs, but still delicious. Rich in protein and fiber, you can find numerous low-carb hotcakes recipes online and make them on your own for a nutritious breakfast.

Overnight Oats

Since none of us really have the time to prepare oats in the morning, you can do that overnight and have them ready for work. Make sure you’re using rolled oats and top them with some chia seeds, blueberries, almond milk, banana, and nuts. It’s a great breakfast that will get your energy levels up and even help you lose weight.

Apple-Cinnamon-Quinoa Cake

You can make an apple cinnamon cake with quinoa rich in protein and fiber as the perfect breakfast. It’s gluten-free too and can be modified to your liking. Look for some recipes online and we’re sure you’ll find one you like.

Baked Egg in Half an Avocado

It sounds different and it is. Bake an egg in half an avocado for the perfect breakfast rich in protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and healthy fats.

Fried Eggs with Roasted Veggies

Fry some eggs and roast some veggies then mix them altogether for the perfect breakfast.

Egg White Frittata

It’s a frittata, but with egg whites only. It’s a low-carb, low-calorie meal with a lot of protein your body needs in the morning.

Hard-Boiled Eggs with Avocado

Boil some eggs to your preferences and eat half an avocado. It’s a meal full of fiber, protein, and healthy fats – a perfect combo for the morning.

Smoked Salmon and Asparagus

This is a highly nutritious breakfast with loads of protein and nutrients, yet almost no calories.

Cottage Cheese and Fruit

It sounds counterproductive, but this is actually a tasty and healthy breakfast meal. It has the right combination of nutrients and protein to start the day like a boss.

Paleo Breakfast

Search the web to find healthy paleo breakfast bowl ideas that can be prepared in 10 minutes and you can have on the go.

Blood Pressure Chart: What Is The Normal Blood Pressure By Age?

The blood pressure represents the barometer of our overall circulatory health. The circulatory system consists of blood and heart vessels that carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. However, do you know that more than 70 % of the people suffer from high blood pressure?  

Nowadays, hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is one of the most common health issues that people experience. Even though it rarely has some recognizable symptoms, if it is not treated, the high blood pressure can increase the risk of some serious health issues, such as: vision loss, memory loss, kidney failure, peripheral arterial disease, vascular dementia, heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.  

blood pressure, photosaddict

Things that increase the risk of high blood pressure

Even though it is still not known what causes hypertension, there are some things that contribute to and increase the risk of getting high blood pressure, such as:  

  • Overweightness 
  • Smoke 
  • Disturbed sleep or sleep apnea 
  • Genetics 
  • Stress 
  • Lack of exercise 
  • High average alcohol consumption 
  • Thyroid disorders 
  • Family history of hypertension 

Blood pressure chart according to age

Blood pressure usually increases with the age, and according to the health experts, lower numbers of blood pressure are better for the overall health. The blood pressure is measured in 2 numbers: systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

The systolic blood pressure is the top number, which measures the blood pressure when the heart contracts and squeezes and pushes the blood throughout the body. On the other side, the diastolic blood pressure represents the bottom number, which measures the blood pressure when the heart is relaxed between the beats.

In addition, the blood pressure varies throughout the day and differs in each individual as a result of several factors, such as gender, age and genetics. The health experts have determined the values for normal blood pressure according to age.  

Normal blood pressure in women according to age:

  • 20 years old – 116/72 mmHg 
  • Up to 30 years old – 120/75 mmHg 
  • 30 – 40 years old – 127/80 mmHg 
  • 40 – 50 years old – 137/84 mmHg 
  • 50 – 60 years old – 144/85 mmHg
  • More than 70 years old – 159/85 mmHg

Normal blood pressure in men according to age:

  • 20 years old – 123/76 mmHg 
  • Up to 30 years old – 126/79 mmHg 
  • 30 – 40 years old – 129/81 mmHg
  • 40 – 50 years old – 135/83 mmHg 
  • 50 – 60 years old – 142/85 mmHg 
  • More than 70 years old – 142/80 mmHg 

Lifestyle changes to lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure is especially common in older people. As we get older, the vascular system begins to change. When the arteries get stiffer, the blood pressure increases. However, it is good to know that blood pressure can be controlled in most people. Making some lifestyle change can help you to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Some of them are: 

  • Doing regular exercise 
  • Giving up smoking 
  • Reducing the intake of caffeine-based drinks and alcohol 
  • Eating healthy and balanced meals 
  • Keeping a healthy weight 
  • Managing stress 
  • Cutting down on salt 
  • Getting a good night`s sleep or treating sleep apnea  

If these lifestyle changes do not reduce your blood pressure to a normal level, your doctor will probably prescribe some drugs. These medications can regulate your blood pressure, but cannot cure it.